
深圳,龙岗,平湖2024-09-18 09:26:11
5 次浏览ctszx123
联系人:陈小姐 Factory Safety 工厂安全 General Safety 基本安全 88 The company has prepared an emergency response plan 工厂备有紧急应对方案 89 There is a named person who is responsible for safety in the factory 有指定人员对工厂安全负责 90 Regular safety training is given to workers 定期对工人进行安全培训 Fire Safety 消防安全 91 Valid local authority fire certificates are up to date (where applicable) 持有在有效期内地方当局消防安全证书(若适用) 92Adequate fire fighting equipment in all areas of factory, clearly signposted (in local language) and accessible with service certificates 工厂所有区域均配备足够的灭火设备,使用当地语言明确标示,并具备服务证明 93All fire exits and escape routes are clearly signposted (in local language), unlocked and are not obstructed 所有消防逃生出口及通道都用当地语言明确标示,不上锁,不堵塞 94 Fire assembly point is a safe distance from the factory 消防集合点与工厂之间保持安全距离 95 Records of frequent random fire drills (practices of evacuation) are available 保有频繁的、不定期的消防演练(疏散练习)记录 96 Combustible materials are stored safely 易燃材料安全存储 97 Smoking in factory is banned and safe smoking area is provided 工厂禁止吸烟,提供安全吸烟场所